PhD (Dr. rer. nat)
The working groups of the LIMES Institute are members of several collaborative research centers and the ImmunoSensation Cluster of Excellence and are therefore strongly supported by third parties. Therefore, Ph.D. positions are continuously offered at the LIMES Institute. These positions are usually filled by the students trained at LIMES.
In addition, the Master's degree programs are closely linked to the DZNE (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases) and the Caesar (Center of Advanced European Studies and Research). These institutes also offer places for lab rotations and master theses and many graduated master students conduct their doctoral thesis there.

Ph.D. candidates have the opportunity to gain their biomedical research training in a multidisciplinary, highly collaborative, resource-rich environment. Students are awarded their doctoral degree from the Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences at the University of Bonn. Candidates graduate with a "Dr. rer. nat." (Doctorate in Natural Sciences) degree - the German equivalent of a Ph.D.
The current Ph.D. track is typically 3-4 years. Candidates must hold a Master’s degree (or equivalent), and ideally bring their own funding. Students drive an independent research project guided by their PhD supervisor and examination is based on a thesis and final dissertation. Applications and selections are managed at the institute level and applications should be made directly to the lab heads of the relevant research unit. There are no application calls or deadlines.