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Study by the University of Bonn shows that what are known as aptamers can be absorbed directly via the skin


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Forschende des LIMES-Instituts entschlüsseln an der Taufliege wichtigen Stoffwechselweg


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The Rector of the University of Bonn has been awarded an order in recognition of his efforts to promote academic exchange and mutual understanding...

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University of Bonn researchers demonstrate how tiny, innocuous particles strengthen the immune response


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The European Union is funding the biochemistry professor with some €2.5 million

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Students and researchers from the University of Bonn solve challenge at joint hackathon

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The EU is putting up millions in funding for immunology, mathematical life sciences and pure mathematics projects

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University of Bonn prominently represented in "Highly Cited Researchers 2023" ranking

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Researchers at the University of Bonn take a look behind the scenes of machine learning in drug research

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This machine developed at the University of Bonn measures just one ten-thousandth of a millimeter

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