Here you will find podcasts of LIMES in the news and get a glimpse into what's happening inside the institute. Links to highlight research and training at the LIMES Institute.

WiS Podcast series, Start Feb. 2022
We are very excited to announce the release of the LIMES-WiS Podcast series where we talk to women in science about their professional career, personal choices, challenges as well as successes and failures to inform and inspire the future generation of scientists.
Bonner Hochschultage 2020, 06.11.2020
Studienfächer entdecken - für Schüler/innen der Oberstufe. Molekulare Biomedizin - erläutert von Prof. Christoph Thiele
Science Rally 2019, 09.02.2019
The Bonn/Popplesdorf science rally hosted young explorers aged 13 to 16 years. They had fun to discover the exhibitions and research challenges which were organized by Institutes of the Natural Sciences Faculty. This year, the LIMES Institute was represented by the Excellence Cluster "ImmunoSensation" with a lot of questions and information on the immun system. Podcast in German
Science Rally 2017, 04.02.2017
Young researchers went on a journey of discovery through Poppelsdorf on the 4th of February, 2017. At the LIMES Institute - one of the participating institutes - the students could learn what kind of cells are active in the immune system and how they look under a microscope. Podcast in German
Science Rally 2016, 23.01.2016
The Bonn/Popplesdorf science rally hosted young explorers aged 13 to 16 years. About 150 participants had fun to discover the exhibitions and research challenges which were organized by 14 Institutes of the Natural Sciences Faculty. This year, the LIMES Institute was represented by the Molecular Developmental Biology Unit with the topic: "What can we learn about human diseases from Drosophila and zebrafish?". Podcast in German
Scientific Quartet, research center caesar, 21.06.2015:
Based on the literary quartet there will be discussions on scientific topics several times a year with the Scientific Quartet: Prof. Dr. Michael Hoch, Rector of the University of Bonn, Prof. Dr. U. Benjamin Kaupp, caesar, Prof. Dr. Waldemar Kolanus, LIMES, and Prof. Dr. Joachim Schultze, LIMES.
A podcast of the research center caesar
Genetic cause of heart valve defects, 31.03.2014
Prof Hoch and colleagues trace back origin of innate heart defects: Creld1 gene uncovered as key for the development of heart valves.
Construction of the LIMES Institute Main Building in Poppelsdorf, 11.01.2013
The LIMES Institute was recently established as a center for Life Sciences at the University of Bonn. The initial concept and its construction are highlighted here. Podcast in German
"Syntheic biology, simply explained", by the Bonn iGEM Team, December 2012
The Bonn iGEM team created an award winning video "Synthetic biology - Simply Explained," as part of the Biotechnology Cluster NRW competitions in December 2012. Video in German
Rectors Address Following the Results of the German Excellence Initiative, 15.06.2012
The University of Bonn was successful in its application for a New Cluster of Excellence "ImmunoSensation". Existing Excellence Clusters in Mathematics and the Graduate School in Physics/Astronomy (together with the University of Cologne) were renewed. Podcast in German
SFB 704: The Immune System - Protection Through Change, 25.01.2010
The importance of our immune system explained. Podcast in German
SFB 704: Cell Movement and Migration - Defense Forces of the Immune System, 10.12.2009
This podcast highlights the research program of Collaborative Research Center 704 and discusses cell movement and migration dynamics as important features in immune system defense. Podcast in German
SFB 704: The Immune System: Effective Weapon and Potential Threat, 09.12.2009
What exactly do scientists do when they explore "Molecular mechanisms and chemical modulation of local immune regulation"? Why do they deal with, for example, organ resident cells and the migration of immune cells? What impact do certain diets have on the immune system? This the Collaborative Research Center 704 discusses these points. Podcast in German
LIMES Chemical Biology - An NRW International Research Graduate School, 28.03.2010
In November 2009 the International Research Graduate School Limes Chemical Biology was officially opened. Uni-bonn TV were present then, and pick up with our students 2 years on. Podcast in German
Science Rally 2012, 27.02.2012
The Bonn/Popplesdorf science rally hosted young explorers aged 13 to 16 years. Participants had fun learning about precious stones, mangroves, plants, number games, world maps, and much more. A station of the rally led to the LIMES Institute, where the importance of fluorescent proteins for biomedical research was highlighted. Podcast in German
Prof. Joachim Schultze on Science Rally 2011, 10.03.2011
Curious 13-16 year old participants took on the challenge of Science Rally 2011. Ten scientific 'stations' were prepared around Bonn, one of which was located at the LIMES Institute. Podcast in German
Life sciences and culture in Bonn, 19.09.2008
The University of Bonn, in cooperation with Harvard University and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, invites outstanding undergraduate students to its novel study abroad programme, Life Sciences and Culture in Bonn.
The University of Bonn is among the top three research universities in Germany and a leader in biomedical research. The programme has been set up in close co-operation with the Collaborative Research Centre "Regulation and manipulation of information flow within dynamic protein and lipid environments" as well as the Life and Medical Sciences (LIMES) institute of the University. The programme combines laboratory research in biomedicine with the aquisition of intercultural skills in Bonn, a beautiful city with a profound international presence and a host city to the United Nations. Students actively participate in an intensive scientific project integrated into outgoing life science research activities at the university host lab.