40 years at the University of Bonn: Barbara Reichwein is honored for her many years of service

[Translate to englisch:] Barbara Reichwein wird für ihre langjährige Mitarbeit geehrt

[Translate to englisch:] Prof. Waldemar Kolanus dankt Barbara Reichwein wird für ihre langjährige Mitarbeit. © Foto: S. Hoch/Uni Bonn

Barbara Reichwein, TA, has been personally congratulated by the Chancellor of the University of Bonn on the anniversary of her 40-years of service. The celebrations continued with a surprise party on 12/02/14 organised by her colleagues in the Kolanus lab of LIMES Institute. Both her ​​current employer, Prof. Waldemar Kolanus and her past employer, Prof. Rainer Keller extended their warmest congratulations and thanks for her valuable contribution over the last four decades.