First Bo&MeRanG-student of the LIMES-Institute in Melbourne

The Bonn & Melbourne Research and Graduate Training Group (Bo&MeRanG) started in April 2106 and covers the topic "Myeloid Antigen Presenting Cells and the Induction of Adaptive Immunity"

[Translate to englisch:] Anastasia Solomatina beim International Congress of Immunology zum Auftakt ihres 1-jährigen Aufenthaltes in Melbourne

The new Graduate Training Group Bo&MeRanG aims at the development of a joint PhD program between Bonn and Melbourne, in which students work with eminent scientists at both locations. Areas of core expertise in Bonn include the role of local APCs in disease models, immune pattern sensing and transcriptional immune regulation. Melbourne is internationally recognized for excellence in research on T cells, NKT cells, DC subsets and for studying microbial infections. These areas are highly synergistic and, when combined, allow for much deeper scope and quality of research.

The scientific exchange between Melbourne and Bonn will not only substantially improve research quality, but will create a highly conducive environment for the training of students. A typical PhD candidature will cover 3 years (2 years at home, 1 year abroad) and will be embedded in a coordinated training programme with supervisors at both locations. Students are selected based on the quality of their application and achievements. PhD students that successfully complete this international programme will be highly competitive for international academic careers in both countries and industry.

The first Bo&MeRanG student of the LIMES-Institute is already at the start in Melbourne: Anastasia Solomatina (Kolanus lab) has recently landed in Melbourne and has started her work at the Peter Doherty Institute - after attending the International Congress of Immunology (August 21-26) in Melbourne. Two other PhD students of the LIMES Institute have been selected for the Bo&MeRanG Training Group: Anna-Belen Erazo (Förster lab) and Patrick Günther (Schultze lab). They will complete their research stay in partner laboratories in Melbourne at a later time.